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March 2023 WOF

    03.01.23 | Articles, Women of Faith

    All Women of Faith Lutheran Church

    Dear Ladies,

    We would like to invite you to attend our Spring Tea!  Wear a hat (not mandatory) and enjoy an afternoon of fellowship with your sisters in Christ.

    DATE and TIME:  March 4th,   11:30a until 2:30p in the Fellowship Hall.

    Lunch will be provided, and the signup sheets are on the Tea Table in the Narthex and by the entrance to the Fellowship Hall.

    We will also have a craft and jewelry sale before and after the tea.  Please come early and shop!   In addition, the craft and jewelry sale will also be available after each service along with a bake sale on the weekend of the 4th.

    Our featured speaker at the tea will be Dorizel Groth, a resident of Bonita Springs who grew up in Nicaragua.  She is now working through Creating Hope, Inc. which can be found on Facebook.  She is dedicated to helping children of all ages in a more remote area in Nicaragua. Dorizel works to fund high school graduate's so they can attend Trade or Technical Schools.  She will explain this program further with her presentation.

    The below information is also provided on the table with the sign-up sheets.

    "How Can I Help"

    Items needed:
    Small soaps and small shampoos 
    + Large duffle bag to transport donation items 

    Sponsorship in the form of monetary support for individual young people. Scholarships are $90 -$275 depending on the trade.       

    We hope this will be a nice afternoon for all and we look forward to seeing you there.

    Your Planning Committee,

    Mary Ellen Martin, Patty Wood, Sonia Ortega and Dorizel Groth

    I’m going on my first mission trip with Canopy Global Foundation in April 2023, to Nepal. I will be sharing Gods love with an orphanage there and also a school where young girls need sponsorship to remain safe from sex trafficking. The Women of Faith are providing the donations from Lenten Sandwich and Soup to be used for my expenses. I’m praying for God to prepare me to serve and I’m grateful for any prayers and support.

    In Jesus Love ~ Patty Wood

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