Disaster Relief
“We love because He first loved us.”
1John 4:19
At Faith Lutheran Church, Naples, Florida we have been actively involved in Disaster Relief Response ministries. We are eager to respond with Christ’s Love to meeting the immediate needs following both natural and man-made disasters.
It is our personal intention to be some of the first responders to individuals, congregations, and communities with regards to emergency relief which also includes pastoral care with those impacted by the disasters. One of our goals in disaster relief that those who receive anything from Faith Lutheran Church know our motivation for assisting:
“For Christ’s love compels us,
Because we are convinced that One died for all,
Therefore all died.”
2 Corinthians 5:14
Thank each of you in your support of our Mission of the Months and for your continued support of the spiritual and physical needs of people who have been affected by a disaster and for our team ministry staff who respond to a disaster.