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The Voice of Faith


Stop For Just A Moment
    06.02.24 | Articles | Prayer Matters | by Janet Guenther

    On days when so many things race through your mind, that you can hardly grasp one thought long enough to think it through...Yes, STOP. Give yourself permission to sit back and take a breath. We need to step away from our mental busyness and our...

    Prayer Matters May 2024
      05.01.24 | Prayer Matters | by Susan Taylor

      Because we believe prayer matters, members of Faith Lutheran Church volunteer to write the monthly “Prayer Matters” article for the Voice.  I chose May because it is my birthday month.  I love gifts and I know how generous...

      The Pastoral Call
        05.01.24 | The Shepherd's Voice | by Don Treglown

        By now, we will have found out about our new Associate Pastor. This is an exciting time for the congregation and the ministry for Christ, Faith Lutheran Church, and the Southwest Florida community. It reminds me of Samuel 16:6-13 “When...

        General Update - April 2024
          04.08.24 | Articles | General | by Ron Mitchell

          Dear Faith Lutheran Church family: It has been an honor and a pleasure to serve you as Congregation President these past five years.  When Jim West and Grace Shelton approached me to consider joining the Council, I was admittedly reluctant...

          Prayer Matters - Gratitude
            04.08.24 | Articles | Prayer Matters | by Randy Taylor

            Lutherans are blessed to spend the days of Lent in an atmosphere of almost constant focus on Jesus’ willing trip toward the awful cross and His death there.  What a horrible trip He made in order that we might be forgiven of all sins...

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