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Fill The Loft

    04.01.22 | Music | by Matthew Swingle

    Hello Faith Family – 

    Psalm 133:1 – “Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity”

    It is a proven fact that singing in a chorus is more fun when surrounded by a multitude of friends, and the science continues to suggest that humans bond together best when we are making music with each other. 

    But did you know that singing in a choir is also good for your mental and physical health? Recent studies have shown that choral singing improves our mood, with a noticeable decrease in stress, depression, and anxiety. These effects are often attributed to the deeper breathing associated with singing, which is also used in meditation. These benefits are enhanced in a group setting, compared to singing alone. Singing in a group offers us a sense of belonging to something bigger than ourselves. It helps us feel that we are needed by the larger community.

    Beyond the mental and psychological benefits, singing in a choir also provides numerous physical health impacts which can include lower blood pressure, increased blood oxygen saturation, elevated immunity, higher pain thresholds, stronger respiratory muscles, and improvements on speech impairments. Music making produces measurable changes in the brain which positively impact our ability to heal after strokes by assisting the formation of alternative pathways around damaged brain tissue. All these factors can lead to a deeper sense of well-being and overall happiness.

    We have witnessed the awe and wonder of our FLC Chancel choir this year. They have worked hard to provide the music to further elevate the services, and I am beyond proud of them. Just imagine for a moment if we were able to double or triple our choir numbers – would that also double or triple our further enhanced experienced in our services? The answer is, ABSOLUTELY!

    So, I ask you… are you looking for a way to have fun that relieves stress, improves your mood, lowers blood pressure, and increases your immune system? Then you should join our choir! We have a seat and folder saved just for you. We laugh and learn together as a choir family, and most importantly, we come together in unity as brothers and sisters of Christ to praise our Lord, God Almighty.

    Let’s “fill the loft” – I’ll have everything ready for you!



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