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Friends of Music Concert Series

The Faith Lutheran Church Music Department seeks to praise the Lord, our God Almighty, through the highest quality and must joyful music in Southwest Florida. Various events and concerts throughout the year allow our church to minister to our church and the broader community to build a stronger family of faith and mission. Faith Lutheran Church is blessed with world-class instruments and musicians to assist in its mission to share the Good News of Christ through the gift of music. The FLC Music Department explores the adventures, disciplines, and spiritualities of musical art, and we celebrate the passionate and faithful living with the unifying body of Christ through music.

Friends of the Faith Lutheran Concert Series is a giving society established to assist Faith Lutheran Church in accomplishing its musical visions and goals. This program provides essential support for concerts and events, community outreach, educational programs, and other special projects. Each Level of Giving is given early notice to all Concert Series events and other FLC Music projects. Contributors to Benefactor Level and above may be given recognition in all FLC Concert Series event programs.

Upcoming Concerts

Friends of the Faith Lutheran Concert Series
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