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Were You Born In A Barn?

    12.01.23 | Articles, The Shepherd's Voice | by Don Treglown

    I have always loved barns.  When I was a kid, like most kids, I would be hurriedly running in and out of the house, constantly leaving the doors open behind me!  From out of nowhere would come the booming voice of my dad, “Close the door!   Were you born in a barn?” I am sure the phrase dates me, because I don’t hear it anymore!  Not surprising though, because I really never understand the connection between leaving a door open and being born in a barn, anyway.  We didn’t have a barn. Barns were found on farms, not in the city.   However, when I went to visit my relatives in Frankentrost, Michigan on their dairy farm, the barn was indeed a fascinating place to explore.  There was a Model T wreck, a Bull with a brass ring in his nose, and lots of other “treasures” to be found.  I have a soft spot in my heart for barns.

    The Good News of this season is that there is a Priceless Treasure born in a barn – Jesus Christ your Savior!   He brings you forgiveness of sins, new life now, and eternal life for the future.   You can’t put a price tag on this treasure.  And you don’t have to do that because this Christmas gift is free for you and for all people, “I bring you good news of great joy which shall be to all people…”

    Jesus should not be like a treasure hidden in the barn of your life.  It is not only “OK” to leave the doors of the barn open, it is expected!  He can be brought out into the open so all can see and appreciate the priceless treasure of His salvation which is ours.   “For unto you is born this day in the City of David, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord!”

    From Jo and I , have a very blessed and joyous celebration of His birth.

    The three things I pray you have this Christmas is the warmth of home, the joy of family, but above all else – The Love of Jesus Christ.

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