Prayer Matters January 2025
01.01.25 | Articles, Prayer Matters | by Ron Mitchell
We’ve been doing these Prayer Matters articles for quite a while now, and often we talk about how much prayer matters when we’re experiencing answered prayers. But what about when our prayers aren’t answered? Do we begin to feel like maybe prayer doesn’t matter in those cases? Could it be sometimes God doesn’t answer our prayer right away because he wants us to think more about what we’re asking? One of the FLC Healing Prayer Team members recently had an experience that certainly seemed that way.
He was praying fervently for God to help him direct some decisions and some mindsets to support a faith-based project he was working on. God had opened several doors for this project, so he was sure God wanted the project to go forward. Then some things begin to happen that were slowing progress and reducing enthusiasm within his project team. So, he began to pray even harder for unity among the team and for signs of encouragement. But they were not appearing.
One morning, during a daily devotional, he was reminded God is not a vending machine. We don’t just put in our prayer, select our answer, and expect it to be delivered as we see it. A simple change from “God, I need this” to “God, what would You have me do” began to yield answers. Some of the answers weren’t what he wanted to hear, but he knew God was talking to him. Within a few days, everything turned around, unity was re-established, the needed decisions were made, and the project path was adjusted.
So, does prayer matter even when it’s not answered to our worldly level of expectation? Absolutely it does. Bottom line….prayer is always heard and always answered, and…..always in His way and in His time.
The FLC Healing Prayer Team has members assigned to be available for personal prayer after every service on Saturday and Sunday. If you, or a loved one, need prayer, stop in the Prayer Room just off the Narthex. Prayer Matters.
Faith Lutheran Church Healing Prayer Team