Prayer Matters - Dec 2023
12.01.23 | Articles, Prayer Matters | by Ron Mitchell
Are you wondering why these “prayer matters” articles keep showing up in The Voice? Or perhaps you may have even wondered if prayer really matters, especially when a prayer sometimes seems to go unanswered. Well, we are offering these articles as a testament to the fact that prayer really does matter. We share personal examples proving that prayer matters. No prayer goes unheard, nor does it go unanswered. God answers all prayers, in His way, and in His time.
Recently, a member of Faith Lutheran had a routine physical procedure, and it was learned she had a mass that needed to be removed. Surgery was scheduled, and one of the FLC Healing Prayer Team members prayed the night before, asking God to remove the mass. The next morning, the surgeon called her husband about 15 minutes into the surgery and told him he had no explanation, but the mass was no longer present. He said it is on the scan we took, but it is not in her today, so I’m sending her home. Prayer matters!
A few years ago, a cardiologist in Miami had just pronounced a man dead from a massive heart attack, after 40 minutes trying to revive him. He left the emergency room and was headed down the hall to tend to more patients, when he heard a voice in his head saying “go back and pray for that man”. His logic told him the man was dead, and there was nothing more he could do. He kept walking, and the voice came again “go back and pray for that man”. The cardiologist, being a Christian, decided this must be God speaking, so he went back to the emergency room where the nurse was preparing the man’s body for the morgue. He had no idea what to pray for, but the words that came out of his mouth were “Father God, I cry out for this man’s soul. If he does not know You as his Lord and Savior, raise him from the dead now, in Jesus’ name”. They shocked the man once more, and life immediately returned to his body. A few days later, he was released from the hospital with no indication of any injuries of any type. And yes, he did accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior before leaving the hospital. Prayer matters!
I really like Max Lucado’s thoughts on prayer. He states….Prayer is only as good as God is. Since He is good, so is prayer. Prayer works because He does. Prayer changes things because God changes things. Prayer makes a difference because God has determined to make a difference. Prayer matters because you matter to God.
Ron Mitchell
FLC Healing Prayer Team