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OSL Healing Prayer Team Update

    05.01.23 | Articles, General | by Randy Taylor

    As 2023 progresses, Faith’s OSL Healing Prayer Team (HPT) is following its annual plan.  We want all Faith members to be aware of the plan and receive information about how you might become involved.

    Attention younger Faith members!!  The Healing Prayer Team wants you!!  You are a priority in our 2023 plan.  Come and learn about praying for healing and then prayerfully ask God if this is how He wants to use you.  It is a wonderful opportunity to grow as Jesus’ disciple.  There is no pressure to commit, but we pray the Holy Spirit moves you to come and see.  If you have questions, you can call or text Randy Taylor using his contact information at the end of this note.

    The February 11 Healing Community Conference held here at Faith began in our 2022 plan.  It was organized cooperatively with OSL groups from three other Naples area churches, St. John’s Episcopal of Naples, First Presbyterian Church of Bonita and St. Mary’s Episcopal Church of Bonita.  The 130 attendees represented 25 different churches from Florida and other States.  We were also blessed to have in attendance, OSL’s National Coach for OSL Conveners, Dr. Mike Sabback from Charleston, South Carolina and our Region 3 (Southeast USA) Director, Ditsie Scobie from the Jacksonville area.  What a blessing this day was!

    The rest of our working plan for 2023 includes prayer for Pr. Treglown as he becomes the Chaplain of our HPT.  This will keep our HPT fully under Pastoral authority.  Our Chaplain to date, Pastor Maconachy, has accepted God’s call to Faith Oakville, a suburb of St. Louis.  We are grateful to Pr. Maconachy for his leadership and support, and know God will bless him as he continues to follow Jesus in his new ministry position. The Chaplain is the highest “officer” of the OSL group so there is high priority for us to keep this position filled.

    Faith’s HPT members are serving as lay leaders of Bible studies.  Season 2 of “The Chosen” has recently finished.  About 30 people participated in watching each of The Chosen’s seasons 1 and 2, and worked through workbooks that accompanied those.  We are planning additional studies of God’s Word this year and next.

    HPT members are available after most services to pray for anyone who asks.  These prayer opportunities were moved from the Narthex up to the altar after services.  Plans are nearing completion for the establishment of a prayer room inside Faith. The new prayer room will provide a private, safe place for prayers for physical, emotional or spiritual healing.  The prayer room will be available by appointment for individual or couples’ prayers during the week and some evenings.  We hope the new prayer room will be finished by mid-Summer this year.

    Faith’s HPT is committed to help and support activities at Faith.  We provided soup and sandwiches before an Advent Service and again before a Lenten Wednesday worship.  We prayed for and provided prayer books to our youth who attended the National Lutheran Youth Conference in Houston.  One of our OSL members has been part of youth planning and meetings and will continue to do so.  We continue to pray for our youth and hope to be able to disciple some regarding praying for healing.  We support and are involved in the Christian Healing Center of Naples and other area community activities as well.

    We are blessed to pray for our FLC family, and we thank you for your support. If you have questions about prayer for healing, please contact me at 314-807-2115 or on line at . 

    In His service, Randy Taylor
    Faith OSL HPT Convener

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