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Lutheran Education

    04.01.22 | The Shepherd's Voice | by Don Treglown

    Did you know we are living in one of the most opportune times to grow Lutheran education in America?

    Right now, LCMS schools (early childhood, elementary and high schools) are the second largest parochial educational system in the United States. This includes 1,151 early childhood centers and preschools (Lambs of Faith) is in these group, 793 elementary schools, 86 domestic and 3 international high schools, and 7 Concordia Universities.

    However, there is some sobering news! Since 2012, over 458 Lutheran schools have closed while enrollment has plummeted. But there is hope.

    In a letter to German councilmen, dated 1524, Luther writes, “By helping the youth we shall be helping ourselves and all men.” In other words, a well-ordered and stable society must have men and women who are professionally trained in their particular fields. It is essential because, Luther wrote, “Where there were no people who have been made wise through the Word and the laws, there bears, lions, goats, and dogs hold public office and head the economy.”

    I am thankful for my education at home, church, school, college, and seminary. I had strong Christian men and women who encouraged me to think, judge, and act for myself – that is, develop a sense of personal responsibility. My Lutheran heritage is one of open inquiry, vigorous debate, and intellectual honesty.

    I know this type of Lutheran education continues through the programs at Faith Lutheran Church in Naples, Florida along with Lambs of Faith Preschool.

    Pray with us:

    Jesus, our Savior and Redeemer, bless our Lutheran congregations and schools. Strengthen, equip, and encourage all who teach and all who learn in them, so that Your name is praised and honored as knowledge, skill, and attitudes are imparted and acquired. In Jesus Name, Amen.

    May the Resurrected Christ be our strength and joy this Easter Season!

    Pastor Don Treglown

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