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Bach's Lunch

Bach's Lunch

April 3, 2024 11:30 am

Address: 4150 Goodlette Road, N. , 4150 Goodlette Road, N. , Naples, FL US 34103
Room: FLC - Sanctuary
Contact: Matthew Swingle | Email
Website: https://tinyurl.com/bach0424

The continuation of the well-received lunchtime series, the “Bach’s Lunch” Lunchtime Artists Concert series! These 30-minute lunchtime recitals are a great opportunity to hear some of your most favored classical music! Each Bach’s Lunch (play on words for “boxed lunch”) will feature a local musical artist from Southwest Florida. This concert will feature FLC Director of Music and Organist J. Matthew Swingle in the titled program “Baby Got Bach.”

This event is free and open to the public.

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